.NET Index

Introduction to .NET


Visual Studio (shortcuts & debug)


Class vs struct vs record (reference types vs value types)
Dependency injection (& scope types)
Dependency injections with multiple implementations

udemy basics course

Introduction to c#
c# methods
c# classes
c# collections (lists, tuples…)
c# collections’ index and range operators


Code documentation in c#
Launchsettings vs appsettings

news in C# 12

Collection expressions
Primary constructors
Lambda’s default values

news in C# 11

Raw string literals

lists and lambdas

Linq usage
Anonymous methods & lambda expressions

async ops / multithread

Async ops
Async await best practices


Basic health checks
Servicebus vs Queue
Streams and Files
Anonymous type objects
Expression bodied members
Pattern matching
Partial classes


Testing with NUnit, FluentAssertions and Moq - Setup
Testing. Code example for c#

(ORM) Entity Framework Core

Teoria EF Core
EF Core Scaffolding
EF Core Global Filters
Read-only statements performance improvement
Data models

Java Knowledge

This are my Java-related notes. Here I have all the knowledge I refer to when I have doubts about how to use or how to implement a framework / feature I’ve already implemented once.

Version changes

Interesting changes, new functionality and APIs that come to Java with each new version. They don’t include the full changes but the ones I deemed most useful or most interesting.

From Java 8 to Java 11


Small, functional snipets on how to implement a determined feature.

Java experience sheet
How to create a database intermediate table
Java date time API
New script files in Java


How to use and implement determined frameworks in a Java project (using Maven).

Spring in Action (Book)
Spring Cache
Spring Beans
Spring Cors

Maven (builder)
Testing (JUnit, TestNG, Mockito)
Vert.x (microservices)
Lombok (builder)
MapStruct (mapper)
Liquibase (database version control)

Oracle 1Z0-819 (Java11) Certification - Index

The new 1Z0-819 certification is the combination of the old existing ones (1Z0-815 & 1Z0-816) together.

OCP Java SE 11 Programmer I - Study guide for 1Z0-815

Welcome to Java
Java Building Blocks
Java Operators
Making Decisions
Core Java APIs
Lambdas and Functional Interfaces
Methods and Encapsulation
Class Design
Advanced Class Design
Java Modules

OCP Java SE 11 Programmer II - Study guide for 1Z0-816

Java Fundamentals
Java Annotations
Generics and Collections

Google Cloud Developer Certification - Index


This are personal notes for the GCP Developer certification. If you want to get ready, I fully recommend doing Qwiklabs and Coursera courses to prepare yourself.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure Introducing Google Cloud Platform
Getting started with GCP
Virtual machines in the cloud
Storage in the cloud
Containers in the cloud
Applications in the cloud
Developing in the cloud
Big Data in the cloud
Machine Learning in the cloud

Getting started with Application Development Best practices for app development
Google Cloud SDK, Client Libraries and Firebase SDK
Data Storage Options
Best practices for Cloud Datastore
Best practices for Cloud Storage

Securing and Integrating Components of your Application Cloud IAM (Identity and Access Management)
OAuth2.0, IAP and Firebase Authentication
Cloud Pub/Sub (needs cleaning)
Cloud Functions (needs cleaning)
Cloud Endpoints (needs cleaning)

App deployment, Debugging and Performance Deploying Applications (needs cleaning)
Execution Environments for your App (needs cleaning)
Debugging, Monitoring and Tuning Performance (needs cleaning)

Course Qwiklabs Setting up a development environment

Extra Qwiklabs

Using the Cloud SDK Command Line Link to course

Getting started with Cloud Shell and gcloud
Configuring networks with gcloud
Configuring IAM permissions with gcloud
gsutil commands for Buckets
gsutil commands for BigQuery

From Java to Android with Kotlin

(Disclaimer: This are my personal notes from following Kotlin and Android courses in Udemy. This is a watered-down version from those courses. Check and buy the original courses if you want to find the full resources I used with more detail)


This are my notes on the progress of things I had to learn to go from Java Developer to develop my first Android App with Android in Kotlin.

MVVM Architecture
Live Data
ViewModel, LiveData, DataBinding
(wip: I still have to order and clean this series of posts from here on)
Recycler View
Navigation Architecture Component
Android Notifications
Android Testing

Dagger2 Framework (dependency injection)
Hilt Framework (Dagger2 wrapper)
Room Framework (SQLite)
Android SQLite experience sheet
Android Development experience


This series of posts explain the main differences in language structures and usage between Kotlin and Java languages. I don’t explain the full Kotlin language, but the novelties that Kotlin implements that may be of interest to a Java developer.

From Java to Kotlin - Data Types & Casting
From Java to Kotlin - Operators & Operators Overloading
From Java to Kotlin - Nullable Types & Null Checks
From Java to Kotlin - Control Flow
From Java to Kotlin - Functions, Varargs & Default Parameters
From Java to Kotlin - Standard Library Functions
From Java to Kotlin - Lambdas
From Java to Kotlin - OOP, Companion Objects & Destructuring in Kotlin
From Java to Kotlin - Exceptions & Collections

Kotlin cheat sheet with code examples