Testing. Code example for c#

The following are code examples to test several scenarios.

(check this project to see more testing code examples)

Test a controller

  • GivenCorrectDate_WhenGetAvailability_ThenAssertCorrectReturnValue asserts a controller returns 200 when everything goes right
  • GivenWrongDate_WhenGetAvailability_ThenAssert400ReturnValue assert a controller returns 400 with specific error message
  • GivenServiceThrowsException_WhenReserveSlot_ThenAssertExceptionCaught assert method throws an exception, but it is correctly caught
public class SlotsControllerTest
	// class we're testing
	private SlotsController _controller;

	private Mock<ISlotsService> _slotsServiceMock;
	private Mock<IOptions<CoreConfig>> _iOptConfigMock;
	private Mock<CoreConfig> _configMock;
	public void SetUp()
		_configMock = new Mock<CoreConfig>();
		_iOptConfigMock = new Mock<IOptions<CoreConfig>>();
		_iOptConfigMock.Setup(iOpt => iOpt.Value).Returns(_configMock);
		_slotsServiceMock = new Mock<ISlotsService>();
		_controller = new SlotsController(_slotsServiceMock.Object, _iOptConfigMock.Object);

public async Task GivenWrongDate_WhenGetAvailability_ThenAssert400ReturnValue()
	// given
	string date = "";
	string errorMessage = "oh no! something went wrong!";
	var errorMessages = new ErrorMessages
		GeneralErrorMessage = errorMessage
	_configMock.Setup(conf => conf.GeneralErrorMessage).Returns(errorMessage);
	// when
	var result = await _controller.GetAvailability(date) as BadRequestObjectResult;
	// then

public async Task GivenCorrectDate_WhenGetAvailability_ThenAssertCorrectReturnValue()
	// given
	string date = "20241012";
	var parsedDate = new DateOnly(2024, 10, 12);
	string dateFormat = "yyyyMMdd";
	_configMock.Setup(conf => conf.InputDateFormat).Returns(dateFormat);
	var dto = new WeekAvailabilityResponse();
	_slotsServiceMock.Setup(service => service.GetWeekSlotsAsync(parsedDate)).ReturnsAsync(dto);
	// when
	var result = await _controller.GetAvailability(date) as OkObjectResult;
	// then

public async Task GivenServiceThrowsException_WhenReserveSlot_ThenAssertExceptionCaught()
	// given
	var request = new ReserveSlotRequest();

	string errorMessage = "error when throw exception";
	var errorMessages = new ErrorMessages
		GeneralErrorMessage = errorMessage
	_configMock.Setup(conf => conf.GeneralErrorMessage).Returns(errorMessage);
	_slotsServiceMock.Setup(service => service.ReserveSlotsAsync(parsedDate)).ThrowAsync(new HttpRequestException(errorMessage));

	// when
	var result = await _controller.ReserveSlot(request) as BadRequestObjectResult
	// then

General tests

This is a test to check an exception is thrown for a non-async method.

The method .WithMessage("*null payload*") works as a like. Any string that contains null payload will trigger as true.

public async Task GivenNullPayload_WhenSetupPost_ThenAssertExceptionIsThrown
	// given
	string url = "http://somethingsomething.com"
	string nullPayload = null;
	// when
	Action result = () => _service.SetUpPost(url, nullPayload);
	// then
	result.Should().Throw<ArgumentNullException>().WithMessage("*null payload*");

This is the example for an async method.

public async Task GivenNullPayload_WhenSetupPostAsync_ThenAssertExceptionIsThrown
	// given
	string url = "http://somethingsomething.com";
	string nullPayload = null;
	// when
	Func<Task> result = () => _service.SetUpPostAsync(url, nullPayload);
	// then
	await result.Should().ThrowAsync<InvalidOperationException>().WithMessage("*null payload*");