SCRUM PSM1 Certification - Index


Status: Certified!

This notes are my watered-down, personal version of The Scrum Guide 2020 and the following Udemy Course: “Preparation For Professional Scrum Master Level 1 (PSM1)” by Vladimir Raykov.

If you want to get ready for the certification exam, I fully recommend buying and watching his course, several times, in Udemy.

Scrum Guide 2020
1. Scrum Guide 2020 Notes
2. Scrum Glossary

“Preparation For Professional Scrum Master Level 1 (PSM1)” by Vladimir Raykov
1. Scrum Introduction
2. The Scrum Team
3. Scrum Events
4. Scrum Artifacts
5. Scrum Practices and Charts
6. A few words before the Exam
7. Recap of key concepts
8. Possible exam questions