Java Knowledge

This are my Java-related notes. Here I have all the knowledge I refer to when I have doubts about how to use or how to implement a framework / feature I’ve already implemented once.

Version changes

Interesting changes, new functionality and APIs that come to Java with each new version. They don’t include the full changes but the ones I deemed most useful or most interesting.

From Java 8 to Java 11


Small, functional snipets on how to implement a determined feature.

Java experience sheet
How to create a database intermediate table
Java date time API
New script files in Java


How to use and implement determined frameworks in a Java project (using Maven).

Spring in Action (Book)
Spring Cache
Spring Beans
Spring Cors

Maven (builder)
Testing (JUnit, TestNG, Mockito)
Vert.x (microservices)
Lombok (builder)
MapStruct (mapper)
Liquibase (database version control)