
Thymeleaf is an HTML template engine, which provides full Spring support.

<h3>Designate your wrap:<h3>
  <div th:each="ingredient: ${wrap}">
    <input name="ingredients" type="checkbox"
            th:value="${}" />
    <span th:text="${}">ING</span>


  • @{} produces a context-relative path to the /static/ folder

Simple Tags

  • th:src="@{images/taco.png}" retrieves an image with relative path from /static/
  • th:href="@{/styles.css}" retrieve a css file

Retrieve an attribute


I add into the Model an attribute, for exampel a Taco with id tacoDesign

public String process(final Model model) {
  model.addAttribute("tacoDesign", new Taco());
  return "design"; // return thymeleaf view

At the view, we retrieve it like


<form method="POST" th:object="${tacoDesign}">
  <!-- Form body -->

Iterate lists

th:each = ${subelement_id: list_id}

Same example as above. There’s a list from Objects added into the Model at Java and they’ve to be retrieved at the HTML form.

public String process(final Model model) {
  final Ingredient ing1 =
  new Ingredient("FLTO", "Flour tortilla", Type.WRAP);
  final Ingredient ing2 =
  new Ingredient("COTO", "Corn tortilla", Type.WRAP);

  final List<Ingredient> ingredients =
                      Arrays.asList(ing1, ing2);

   * This adds a lists into the model with
   * 2 ingredients with id = wrap
  for(final Type type : Type.values()) {
      filterByType(ingredients, type)

  return "design";

Iterate only the wrap ingredients

<div th:each="ingredient: ${wrap}">
  <input name="x" type="y"
  <span th:text="${}">

Redirect to another view


The difference is, if we have a GET where we return a normal view

public String process(final Model model) {
  model.addAttribute("tacoDesign", new Taco());
  return "design"; // return thymeleaf view

It will execute all the previous code before the view is loaded and given to the user. If instead of this, we have a POST and once it’s ready we want to give a new view to the user, we have to do it through redirect

public String processDesign(final Taco taco) {"processing design '{}'", taco);
    return "redirect:/orders/current";