
Compile & execute:

mvn clean install  
java -jar target/[substitute_with_name]-fat.jar -cluster

Standard vs Worker Verticle

Concurrency is handled completely by Vert.x

When created, a standard verticle will have one Event-loop assigned to it (it’ll always use the same) and the start method it’s called within that Event-loop. If it calls other Handlers, it can guarantee that they’ll be executed in the same Event-Loop
Meanwhile, a worker verticle will have a different Thread assigned to it, everytime it wants to perform a Job.
If you’re able to use a standard verticle for non-blocking jobs, you’ll save resources every time you execute code with it.

A standard verticle runs in an Event-Loop thread (one of many). If they’re completely blocked, the whole Program will be blocked and it will just halt. On the other side, the worker verticles run on a different Thread than the main event-loop, so they’re perfect to execute blocking code (another option is an inline .executeBlocking() call). They will never be executed by more than one Thread simultaneously, but they may be executed each time by different Threads.

The downside of using always workers, is that the max. concurrency achievable is much lesser than using normal verticles + workers. With a lot of blocking tasks, you may create a processing queue.

Multi-threaded worker verticles

It can be executed by more than one Thread concurrently. Standard Java techniques for concurrency will be needed when programming. It’s an advanced feature and they’re not supported through all of Vert.x parts.


Polyglot Verticles

(For the example, I’ve used JS)
It needs a new dependency in our pom.xml


Watch out as by default mvn clean install does not pack *.js files into a -fat.jar if they’re in a default java package. I’ve solved this, by writting the .js verticle into the /resources folder.
Also, for the .js case, it may be needed to install npm and vertx-3 dependencies for it to work.

sudo apt-get install npm
npm install vertx3-min
