Linq examples

How to map List of classes

// Method to show call usage. 
public List<MappedUser> MapListOfUsers(List<User> users)
	// option 1
	List<MappedUser> mappedUsers = users.Select(user => MapSingleUser(user))
	// option 2
	List<MappedUser> mappedUsers2 = 
		(from user in users select MapSingleUser(user)).ToList();

method to encapsulate mapping itself

private MappedUser MapSingleUser(User user)
 var mapped = new MappedUser
	 Id = user.Id,
	 Name = user.Name,
	 Email = user.Email
 return mapped;

This provides easier and more legible than doing a foreach to iterate everything.

How to use in async await env

We separate the linq query into Task and Execution. This executes this Task concurrently.

public List<MappedUser> MapListOfUsers(List<User> users)
	var mapTask = users.Select(async user => { return await MapSingleUser(user); });
	List<MappedUser> list = (await Task.WhenAll(mapTask)).ToList();
	return list;

How to filter list per properties (Where)

var testTask = response.result.hashtags
	.Where(hashtag => "contentsgroup".Equals(hashtag.hashtagType.ToLower()))
	.Select(async hashtag => { 
			return await Test(hashtag, msgId, log);
		} else
			return hashtag;

How to execute query as parallel (AsParallel)

var testTask = response.result.hashtags
	.Where(hashtag => "contentsgroup".Equals(hashtag.hashtagType.ToLower()))
	.Select(async hashtag => { return await Test(hashtag, msgId, log);});