C# Collections

List vs ArrayList

Don’t use ArrayList. Use List<T> instead. ArrayList comes from times when C# didn’t have generics and it’s not the same ArrayList we have in Java.


ArrayList array = new ArrayList();
array.Add("Pony"); // Later error at runtime if you try to operate with numbers.


List<int> list = [];
list.Add("Pony"); // Compilation error. 

retrieve data

List<string> list = [ "yes", "no"];
var firstItem = list[0];


Tuples help us manipulate data sets easily without having to define a new class with custom properties.

// simple tuple
(int, string) employee = (23, "Yohannes");
Console.WriteLine($"{employee.Item2} is {employee.Item1} years old");

// tuple with named parameters
(int Age, string Name) employee2 = (29, "Ramon");
Console.WriteLine($"{employee2.Name} is {employee2.Age} years old");

// nested tuples
var employees = ((23, "Yohannes"), (29, "Ramon"));
Console.WriteLine(employees.Item1); // (23, "Yohannes")
Console.WriteLine(employees.Item1.Item1); // 23

Tuples as function params

We can also use tuples as params for functions.

public void GetEmployee((string Name, int Age) employee)
	Console.WriteLine($"{employee.Name} is {employee.Age} years old");

// call it as such
// GetEmployee(("Yohannes", 23));

Tuples as the return type

public (string Name, int Age) GetEmployee()
	return ("Yohannes", 23);

var emp = GetEmployee();
Console.WriteLine($"{emp.Name}, {emp.Age}");


Dictionaries are preferred over Hashtables, as they include type safety through generics.

Dictionary<string, string> dc = new Dictionary<string,string>();
dc.Add("txt", "hello world");

string value = string.Empty;
dc.TryGetValue("txt", out valor);

string value2 = dc["txt"];

Hashtable (use Dictionaries)

Hashtable table = new Hashtable();
table.Add("Alex", 2.34);
var valor = table["Alex"];


Colección LIFO (Last in, First Out). Pensar en una pila de platos. El último plato que ponemos es el primero en salir.

Stack pila = new Stack();
var numero = pila.Pop();


Coleccion FIFO (First in, First Out). Pensar en una cola para un evento. El primero que llegó es el primero que entra.

Queue cola = new Queue();
var numero = cola.Dequeue();

