From Java to Android with Kotlin

(Disclaimer: This are my personal notes from following Kotlin and Android courses in Udemy. This is a watered-down version from those courses. Check and buy the original courses if you want to find the full resources I used with more detail)


This are my notes on the progress of things I had to learn to go from Java Developer to develop my first Android App with Android in Kotlin.

1. ViewBinding
2. DataBinding
3. MVVM Architecture
4. Live Data
5. ViewModel, LiveData, DataBinding
(wip: I still have to order and clean this series of posts from here on)
6. Recycler View
7. Navigation Architecture Component
8. Android Notifications
9. Coroutines
10. WorkManager
11. Android Testing

12. Dagger2 Framework (dependency injection)
13. Hilt Framework (Dagger2 wrapper)
14. Room Framework (SQLite)
15. Android SQLite experience sheet
16. Android Development experience


This series of posts explain the main differences in language structures and usage between Kotlin and Java languages. I don’t explain the full Kotlin language, but the novelties that Kotlin implements that may be of interest to a Java developer.

1. From Java to Kotlin - Data Types & Casting
2. From Java to Kotlin - Operators & Operators Overloading
3. From Java to Kotlin - Nullable Types & Null Checks
4. From Java to Kotlin - Control Flow
5. From Java to Kotlin - Functions, Varargs & Default Parameters
6. From Java to Kotlin - Standard Library Functions
7. From Java to Kotlin - Lambdas
8. From Java to Kotlin - OOP, Companion Objects & Destructuring in Kotlin
9. From Java to Kotlin - Exceptions & Collections

10. Kotlin cheat sheet with code examples