PgSQL Functions (Stored Procedure)

(This is an implementation example. For an explanation on this, please check my other post: SQL Triggers & Stored Procedures)

Function example

-- example of function that triggers when an entry is inserted into a table
--   and manages this data inserting data as needed in another table
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION your_schema.my_function_name(arg1 character varying, data character varying)
	RETURNS character varying
	LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$

-- check if already exists in the other table
	(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM your_schema.other_table WHERE name=arg1) > 0) THEN
		RETURN 'Error: 1210. data already exists';

-- insert and manage data
INSERT INTO your_schema.other_table (name, data) VALUES (arg1, data);
RETURN 'Success: 1200';

END $function$;

How to Debug in DBeaver

There are two options, logs or break the function with an exception.

If logs are enough, you just write the message to output per console.

RAISE NOTICE 'this is null';

To see logs in DBeaver click here. Then you may execute the function to see the logs.

how to debug in dbeaver

If you want to break the function runtime with an exception, you write the following instead

RAISE EXCEPTION SQLSTATE '90001' USING MESSAGE = 'error. this already exists';