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C# Async ops

El nucleo de la programacion asincrona son los objetos Task y Task<T>. Ambos son compatibles con las palabras clave async y await.

Primero hay que identificar si el codigo se usa para trabajos enlazados a I/O o si estos son CPU intensivos.

  • Si el codigo espera algo como una BBDD o una response de un servidor, es codigo I/O. En este caso hay que usar async y await
  • Si el codigo realiza un calculo costoso, es CPU intensivo. Use await para esperar una operacion que se ha comenzado en background con Task.run

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Patterns implementation

Implementation of several patterns in Java, which may be used as future example on how to technically implement them.



Data Access Object & Data Transfer Object. DAO - Design pattern, used to encapsulate the access to a persistence resource (e.g a database) and eliminate dependencies which come with the implementation of the code. DTO is the object which representates an entity of the database, with all its own properties to be manipulated.

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Personal Blog


Which problem does it solve?

Since the beginning of my programming career, I’ve been writting small notes and how-to’s in Markdown. This approachhelps me avoid relearning the same thing twice and saves me from repeteadly searching for solutions for obscure problems.

Over time, this collection grew significantly, and I needed a more efficient way to index, access, and search through all my information. Building a website that also serves as a portfolio seemed like the best long-term solution.

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