Git advanced


  • see config git config -l
  • modify username git config --global "newName"
  • modify email git config --global user.mail ""

Git bisect

Is a tool to find the exact commit where a bug was introduced.


I have a file with the following content and an obvious bug

Row row row your car at the river

This is the git history

  • master - added word river
  • changed word boat for cat
  • added word the
  • added word at
  • added word boat
  • added word your
  • added third row
  • added second row
  • added word row
  • Initial commit

We need to select a good and a bad commit. We’ll select the last one as bad because the bug is there, and as good the first one.

git bisect good 6f47e638a6bc5f4210218d77f1c43e34cc16470c  
git bisect bad 8a2d118528471d48d87942b8097093dd04476b25

Then it’s going to navigate the commit history, changing the actual commit, and we have to check the file and indicate if it’s still good or it already contains the bug. We do so with

git bisect good
git bisect bad

At the end of all, it tell us the exact commit where the bug was introduced

cff142cdac62f6845d69ea4694c4c5e6606f2294 is the first bad commit
commit cff142cdac62f6845d69ea4694c4c5e6606f2294
Author: Mario Codes <xxx>
Date:   Mon Jul 8 16:06:33 2019 +0200

    changed word boat for car

And we have to exit it with

git bisect reset
