From Java to Golang


This is all needed to test.

package main

func main() {



Semicolons are not needed.

var age int // assigned to 0 by default
var footSize = 45 // type inference
// multiple variables of same type
var headSize, waistSize = 200, 70
// constant declaration
const  height = 180

var ( // multiple variables of different type
  name     = "Mario"
  myAge    = 5
  lastName = "nope"

// shorthand declaration
heartSize, country := 100, "Italia"

// the space btw. variables is automatically given
fmt.Println("my age is:", age,
  "and my foot size: ", footSize)



The basic structure for a Function is

func functionName(parameterName type) returnType {
  // code

The parameters and the return type are optional. So the following is also valid go

func functionName() {
  // code

For consecutive parameters with the same type, it is only needed to declare it once

// param1 is an int too
func functionName(param1, param2 int) {


Multiple return values

func functionName(param1, param2 int)(int, int) {
  return param1, param2

func main() {
  param1, param2 := functionName(12, 64)

Named, multiple return values

func functionName(param1, param2 int)(result1, result2 int) {
  result1 = param1
  result2 = param2
  return // no explicit return value

blank identifier

_ is known as the blank identifier. It can be used in place of any value of any type to discard it.

// what happens if I only need result1 and want to discard result2?
func functionName(param1, param2 int)(result1, result2 int) {
  result1 = param1
  result2 = param2
  return // no explicit return value

func main() {
  param1, _ := functionName(12, 64)


Every go exec must have an entry point. This is a main function which has to reside in the main package.

We have the following tree:

            custom.go # custom class
    programm.go # This is the main

To install the custom package from /src execute go install programm

To import the contents from custom.go and use it at programm.go we’ll have to import it with a relative path

package main

import (

func main() {
  // code

Only the functions which start with a capital letter at custom.go will be exported and accessible from the outside.
