Posts Tagged - csharp

C# Expression bodied members

Expression body definitions let you provide a member’s implementation in a concise, readable form.


Expression-bodied method consists of a single expression that returns:

  • a value whose type matches the return value
  • or performs an operation for void methods
public class Person(string firstName, string lastName)
	public override string ToString() => $"{firstName} {lastName}".Trim();
	public void DisplayName() => Console.WriteLine(ToString());

Read-only properties

You can use them to implement read-only property.

public class Location(string locationName)
	public string Name => loactionName;


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C# Anonymous types objects

Anonymous types provide an easy way to encapsulate different properties in a single object. Unlike properties in a class, the properties of anonymous type objects are read-only.

Declare and use anon type objects


var loginCredentials = new { Username = "suresh", Password = "******" };
Console.WriteLine($"Username {loginCredentials.Username.ToString()}");
Console.WriteLine($"Password {loginCredentials.Password.ToString()}");

After assigning values to the Username and Password properties, they cannot be altered *(they’re readonly).

Anon objects in LINQ

Usually, anon data types are used in the select clause to return a specific subset of properties for each object in the collection.

we have the employee class

public class Employee
	public int ID { get; set; }
	public string Name { get; set; }
	public int Age { get; set; }
	public string Address { get; set; }
List<Employee> employees = // whatever ...
// we convert an Employee into an anon object type with a subset of properties
var employeeDetails = from emp in employees
	select new { Id = emp.ID, Name = emp.Name };


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Dependency injection w. multiple implementations

I have the class package with a type, plus more info not relevant to the question

public class Package
	public string Type { get; set; }
	// ... more package properties

I have the following interface service to mail packages

public interface IMailService
	public Task<string> SendPackage(Package package);

Then I have several implementations for this interface

public class MailNewPackageService : IMailService
	public async Task<string> SendPackage(Package package)
		Console.WriteLine("send package through new service");
		// implementation ...

public class MailOldPackageService : IMailService
	public async Task<string> SendPackage(Package package)
		Console.WriteLine("send package through old service");
		// implementation ...

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C# Streams and Files


Los streams en memoria se usan sobre todo para leer de ficheros, o para almacenar información que queremos guardar en ficheros.

Si se inicializa mediante el siguiente constructor no se puede cambiar su tamaño.

MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(150);

// 0 bits from Begin
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
// 5 bits from current position
ms.Seek(5, SeekOrigin.Current);
// go back 10 bits from current position
ms.Seek(-10, SeekOrigin.Current);


Ejemplo para leer y escribir un fichero.

write file

FileStream fsEscribir = new FileStream("miArchivo.txt", FileMode.Create);

string cadena = "this is an example";

fsEscribir.Write(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(cadena), 0, cadena.Length);

read file

byte[] infoArchivo = new byte[100];

FileStream fs = new FileStream("miArchivo.txt", FileMode.Open);
fs.Read(infoArchivo, 0, (int) fs.Length);



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Servicebus vs queue


Sistema de mensajeria COMPLEJO que permite comunicacion entre MULTIPLES SERVICIOS usando patrones publication/subscription

Permite a un mensaje ser consumido por MULTIPLES CONSUMERS Ideal para flujos de trabajo complejos


Mecanismo mas simple y directo. Permite la transmision de mensajes de un punto a otro. Un mensaje enviado a la cola es recibido y procesado por un unico consumidor Se centra en GARANTIZAR LA ENTREGA del mensaje, pero es mas limitado.

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C# Events

Permite a una clase notificar a otras cuando ocurre algo de interés.

public class Publicador
	// Declaracion de un evento
	public event EventHandler EventoSimple;

	// trigger
	public void DispararEvento()
		// verificacion de subscripcion
		if(EventoSimple != null)
			EventoSimple(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public class Suscriptor
	public void Suscribirse(Publicador publicador)
		// suscripcion al evento
		publicador.EventoSimple += ManejadorEvento;

	private void ManejadorEvento(object sender, EventArgs e)
		// do whatever you need to do and/or send here
// usage
var publicador = new Publicador();
var suscriptor = new Suscriptor();

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C# Delegates

Un delegado es un placeholder para un método. Permite pasar una función como parámetro a un método.

Hay varios tipos de delegado:

  • Action<T> consume una clase, devuelve void Ejemplo Console.WriteLine();
  • Predicate<T> consume una clase, devuelve bool Por ejemplo para abstraer condiciones
  • Func<T, K> consume una clase y devuelve otra. Por ejemplo para abstraer mappings

Usaremos el struct Book para todos los ejemplos

public struct Book
	public string Title;        // Title of the book.
	public string Author;       // Author of the book.
	public decimal Price;       // Price of the book.
	public bool Paperback;      // Is it paperback?

	public Book(string title, string author, decimal price, bool paperBack)
		Title = title;
		Author = author;
		Price = price;
		Paperback = paperBack;

Action (Consumer)

Tenemos el ejemplo BookDBActionService

public class BookDBActionService
	// List of all books in the database
	List<Book> list = new List<Book>();

	// initialize test data on constructor
	public BookDBActionService()
		list.Add(new Book("title1", "author1", 10, true));
		list.Add(new Book("title2", "author2", 20, false));

	// Aqui tenemos el Action<Book> donde delegamos como se procesa cada libro
	public void ProcessPaperbackBooks(Action<Book> processBook)
		foreach (Book b in list)
			if (b.Paperback)
				// delegate call

Llamada donde ejecutamos el código y llamamos al Action<Book>

public static void Main(string[] args)
var bookDBAction = new BookDBActionService();
bookDBAction.ProcessPaperbackBooks(book => Console.WriteLine(book.Title));

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C# Async ops

El nucleo de la programacion asincrona son los objetos Task y Task<T>. Son compatibles con las palabras clave async y await.

Primero hay que reconocer si el codigo se usa para trabajos enlazados a I/O o si son CPU intensivos.

  • Si el codigo espera algo como una BBDD o una response de un servidor, es codigo I/O. En este caso hay que usar async y await
  • Si el codigo realiza un calculo costoso, es CPU intensivo. Use await para esperar una operacion que se ha comenzado en background con

Async / Await (Operaciones I/O)

La palabra clave importante aqui es await. Lo que hace es suspender la ejecucion del metodo actual y devolver el control hasta que está lista para seguir.

public async Task Main()
	string contenido = await LeerPaginaWebAsync("");

private async Task<string> LeerPaginaWebAsync(string url)
	using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
		return await client.GetStringAsync(url);

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C# Async await best practices

Don’t use async void

An async method may return Task, Task<T> and void. Natural return types are all but void.

Any sync method returning void becomes an async method returning Task. example:

// synchronous work
void MyMethod()

// asynchronous work
async Task MyAsyncMethod()
	await Task.Delay(1000);

When an exception is thrown out of an async Task or async Task<T> method that exception is captured and placed on the Task object. For async void methods, exceptions aren’t caught.

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Linq examples

Retrieve a simple subset of properties for all items in list

Usually, anon data types are used in the select clause to return a specific subset of properties for each object in the collection.

we have the employee class

public class Employee
	public int ID { get; set; }
	public string Name { get; set; }
	public int Age { get; set; }
	public string Address { get; set; }
List<Employee> employees = // whatever ...
// we convert an Employee into an anon object type with a subset of properties
var employeeDetails = from emp in employees
	select new { Id = emp.ID, Name = emp.Name };

How to map List of classes

// Method to show call usage. 
public List<MappedUser> MapListOfUsers(List<User> users)
	// option 1
	List<MappedUser> mappedUsers = users.Select(user => MapSingleUser(user))
	// option 2
	List<MappedUser> mappedUsers2 = 
		(from user in users select MapSingleUser(user)).ToList();

method to encapsulate mapping itself

private MappedUser MapSingleUser(User user)
 var mapped = new MappedUser
	 Id = user.Id,
	 Name = user.Name,
	 Email = user.Email
 return mapped;

This provides easier and more legible than doing a foreach to iterate everything.

How to filter list per properties (Where)

var adminUserTask = users
	.Where(user => "admin".Equals(user.type.ToLower()))
	.Select(async user => { return await ProcessAdmin(user);});
List<UserResults> results = (await Task.WhenAll(adminUserTask)).ToList();

How to select records based on another list (ids)

This is how to select a list of items, selecting them by id, based on another list of items

List<string> idList = // ...
var profiles = _context.UserProfiles
		.Where(userProf => idList.Contains(userProf.Id));

How to order based on a dynamic parameter

// Direction is an Enum w. values ASC or DESC
private List<Person> SortPersons(Direction direction, List<Person> persons, Func<Person, string> sortBy)
		return persons.OrderByDescending(sortBy.Invoke).ToList();
	} else 
		return persons.OrderBy(sortBy.Invoke).ToList();

How to use it

var sortedPersons = SortPersons(direction, persons, person => person.Name);

How to use in async await env

We separate the linq query into Task and Execution. This executes this Task concurrently.

Single param lambda

remember that for lambdas with a single param where it comes from the same query, you don’t need to explicitely set it

this transforms

public List<int> FilterList(List<int> listToFilter, List<int> filterintList)
	return listToFilter.Where(number => filteringList.Contains(number)).ToList();

How to filter list per properties (Where)

filter by properties in a nullable list and return true if there’s any row that match. If the list is null, it returns false.

return response.results?.rows
	.Where(row => == requestId && (row.owner == requestOwner || row.responsible == requestResponsible))
	.Any() ?? false;

another example

var task = response.results.rows
	.Where(row => "specifictype".Equals(row.type.ToLower()))
	.Select(async row => {
			return await Something(row, id, log);
		} else 
			return row;

Methods worth a mention

Remove duplicates Distinct()

var task = response.results.rows
	.Where(row => "specificType".Equals(row.type.ToLower()))
	.Select(async row => { return await Something(row, id, log);});

Get the difference of two lists Except()

var distinctList = listToFilter

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