Posts From Category: sql

MySQL user privileges

How to grant privileges for a database to a user, when both already exist.

In this case the database name will be project_node1, the user project_user and the password project_pass. All the following commands have to be executed as root or with a user with enough privileges.

-- list system users
SELECT user, host FROM mysql.user;

-- see current privileges
SHOW GRANTS FOR 'project_user'@'%';

-- delete all previous privileges (if needed)
-- REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON `project_node1`.* FROM 'project_user'@'%';

-- grant new privileges and flush
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `project_node1`.* TO 'project_user'@'%';


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SQL Cheat Sheet

DDL Queries

  • Show all dbs - SHOW DATABASES;
  • Select one - USE {$db};
  • Show tables in a db - SHOW TABLES;
  • Show description of DB - DESCRIBE {$db}
Create new table
CREATE TABLE table_name (
	id numeric,
	description text);

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