Posts From Category: linux
Vim advanced commands
Useful commands to master vim
All delete commands which are run with d
, may use instead c
. This will do the same delete operation, but will open directly on insert mode afterwards.
Type :help change.txt
Redirect input into a Vim buffer
cat input | vim -
This, ran from bash, outputs the result of a command or a file into a vim buffer, where we can do whatever with it, without modifying the original source.
Advanced bash and zsh
General, useful things
shows a cheatsheet with options for this command
Offline .snap file install
To install a .snap
file you downloaded you need to
sudo snap ack downloaded_file.snap
sudo snap install downloaded_file.snap
# if the ack doesn't work, you can always install it with
sudo snap install --dangerous downloaded_file.snap
Processing files and data
find . -iname "*file_to_search*"
search something at current directorylocate file_to_search
search through whole computerrg
general searching through data files. Better thangrep -r
diff -y --suppress-common-lines file1 file2 | grep '^' | wc -l
count number of changes between 2 files
Prepare a fresh linux installation
Steps needed to prepare a Linux system when it was completely wiped out or is new. (most) commands are ready to copy and paste.
Prepare System
Automatic installations
sudo apt install snapd htop &&
sudo snap install postman rambox vlc postman spotify tor google-cloud-sdk &&
sudo snap gitkraken install intellij-idea-community pycharm-community --classic
Copy aliases
Copy the following file into ~
(add link to my aliases file)
Set it so it auomatically loads on startup. Add the following line at ~/.bashrc
or ~/.zshrc
source ~/zsh_aliases
Folders to create
mkdir ~/Documentos/personal ~/Documentos/projects ~/programs ~/tmp